The Faculty of Economics is 10 years old

Local News University

10 years passed by already, that the university founded the Faculty of Economics from the business trading courses.

Over the past 10 years, the Faculty has seen a dynamic development,
through which the institution became the leading regional economic
educational institute. That was a busy and successful period. These first
decade will be crowned by Career Forum, Ball and various festive programmes.
Friday at 9 am the most outstanding representatives of Hungarian economics
will be here in Debrecen so the visitors can hear their lectures. A dispute over
the future challenges of the education will be held too. Upon the same
theme is going to be the title of the afternoon roundtable talk with the participation
of the representatives of the major economic regions. A series of events will be
available at the courtyard of the Main Building of the University of Debrecen on
November 13. The events will be closed by the Students Ball.

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